The moving process tends to put a lot of stress on you, so imagine how anxious it could make your pets. They become used to a routine and environment that they consider home, and the number of unexpected shifts that come with moving may frighten them. As one of the leading realty companies in Auburn, Alabama, Prestige Properties has plenty of new homes for sale that will make the perfect fit for you and your furry friend. Though going through this process with pets brings forth a new set of challenges, there are some things you can remember to make it a better experience. Keep reading to learn how you can make a plan for an easier move with your companion.
You’ve started your and your pet’s moving process, yay! Pets are clever about picking up our changes in energy, whether you’re putting shoes on to take them on a walk or opening the fridge to grab your (and their) favorite snack, so you might find this is starting to happen. When you begin to pack up your belongings prior to the move, it could lead to stress on your pet if they don’t know what’s going on. Keeping them entertained can prevent them from catching on too much and give them something to do while you spend your time organizing.
As your move-out date gets closer, try to bring out more boxes with your belongings to get your pet used to them. By the time you are ready to transfer it all, it’s much more likely that they’ll be used to the crowded space. To ensure they don’t focus on your packing, try giving them a new toy or taking breaks to play. It’s important to keep as much of a routine with them as you can, and breaks can also help you relax from stress.
Before you and your furry friend leave your old home, make sure you aren’t leaving anything behind. Contact your vet if you need to transfer paperwork or have it handy while you travel. Research the new area and find pet-friendly activities that will help form a sense of comfort upon arrival, especially during the first couple of chaotic weeks of settling. If your new home is in Auburn or Opelika, a local favorite for dogs includes a trip to Kiesel or Chewacla State Park for a day of fun. With beautiful trails and landscaping, it’s no wonder pets enjoy it!
The journey awaits! When you finally start the physical move, it’s important to take all the precautions you need to keep yourself and your pet safe. If you’re driving with a dog or cat, you may consider putting them in a crate to keep them safe. Make sure that they have been trained or familiarized with this space to avoid further stress being put on them. If they don’t use crates often, start putting them in one for different periods of time leading up to the move so it isn’t as unexpected. It’s crucial that they are comfortable inside, so crate training is important. While you’re on the road, plan to have loose objects fastened with a seatbelt or stowed away, along with the crate.
When traveling in a car, ensure your cat or dog is comfortable. If they tend to dislike car rides or associate them with the vet, take them on some short ones around the block before moving and increase your distance over time. Remember to keep them in close proximity to you so they know they’re being taken care of. If you are traveling a long distance, make sure to stop every now and then to give you and your pet time to move around and stretch. Of course, keep them on a leash and close to you so you can maintain control. In case of emergencies, store a small medical kit for your pet somewhere that’s easily accessible. Pets get car sick, too!
Welcome home! With so much empty and unfamiliar space, your pet is bound to be overwhelmed when they initially meet your new home. It’s a good idea to settle them into one area at a time, so they are familiarized gradually. Using a leash, walk them through the house a few times so they can get their sniffing and curiosity out of the way. Keep them in a safe room when you first arrive so you can do a check around the house.
If your house has balconies, check to ensure the railings aren’t wide enough for your cat or dog to slip through. Look in the bedrooms and tuck away loose electrical cords and wires. It could be beneficial to look into pest control if you feel it may be necessary, or a landscaper if you have poisonous plants growing on your property.
Try to get back into a routine as soon as you can with your pet, that way they can start to get comfortable in the new environment. Take them on walks around the block to explore the neighborhood and start introducing them to the new community. If your pet likes to socialize, you may consider setting up a playdate with a neighbor or friend, but it is best to wait until they are fully settled and safe.
How We Can Help
At Prestige Properties, we are dedicated to making your move as stress-free as possible, and that includes your four-legged friend. Our team is made up of professional individuals with plenty of knowledge about how to make your journey the best it can be. Contact us to learn more about what to expect and start your next steps in the right direction.